Saturday, January 2, 2010

Another Rough Night

Slept almost six hours, then up every two plus or minus. Cried and cried last night. Daddy patiently massaged my tummy and bicycled my legs helping me get some gas out so I could sleep finally. That's the second night it's been three hours between bath time and sleep. The second time I woke up in the morning, my mama let me be and do my thing (pretending she was still asleep). She didn't swaddle me the last time I went to sleep so my arms and legs were free. I found my hand and soothed myself with it, but of course the gas pains woke me up. I was on my belly so then I crawled (for me) for a while, held my head up, sucked on my hand some more. All in all, I worked things out on my own for twenty-five minutes before I got tired and needed my mama. Don't you know, after she nursed me for five minutes that poop came right out. All that work did me good, I guess. At least something positive came of all that suffering. I am definitely learning to soothe myself and be more independent. Why I poop every morning and still have gas that keeps me up all night I'll never know. Let's hope tonight is better.

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