Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Fun Day with Malcolm!

We went out to visit Malcolm's family yesterday (his mama and dada, Jenn and Dan from the homebirth class). We had such an awesome time! I played and played and played with Malcolm. He showed me all his cool things to do and play with. Now that I can crawl to we just did our own thing, ask for food when needed, ate lunch with the parents, went on a walk in the slings with our mamas, took naps shortly thereafter and played some more! We really had an easy, fun time. I can't wait to do it again!

The video my mama took was dark, and there were so many better moments throughout the day, but here was Malcolm and me meeting as if for the first time. We talked and understood each other well. We played gently and put up with any accidental pokes or scratches. I liked playing with another baby. We see more "eye to eye" than my parents do.

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