Saturday, July 17, 2010

Baby Led Solids

My mama heard of this, and it made a lot of sense. She tried it for a while and has been letting me eat on my own more since she got this book from Anjali's mama Madhavi. I have had so many fun times of discovery, exploration and adventure. Sometimes I don't eat a lot, actually eat, and sometimes I eat everything. It can be hard for my mama and daddy, or anyone around me, to trust that I know what I am doing and can learn what I need to know. For instance, just now my mama gave me a strawberry, which I love, with the little green hat of leaves on. I mouthed that a time or two and realized it wasn't so tasty, but how to get to the good part that was in my hand? I opened my hand a little and started chowing down. I softened the strawberry with my gums and my fingers. At one point I got so excited that I feel over and bonked my head. A bit of strawberry got stuck. I gagged a bit and then got more silent (a cue for actual choking as opposed to noisy gagging). My mama could tell I was trying to heave it out with my muscles so she smacked my back once. That was all I needed. I coughed up a piece of strawberry, yelled at my mama when she tried to take the whole thing, and happily at the piece left in my mouth. In fact, I ate the whole strawberry and a number of the blueberries offered -- I smash those in my hands. At the end of my adventure, when my bath time had come, my mama noticed I was still playing with something in my mouth. I crawled over to the piano and played a few tunes before my daddy came to get me for my bath. Since play time was over I stuck out what was in my mouth since my mama was so interested. It was the little green leaf hat on the strawberry. I ate every bit of that thing and sucked the hat clean, too!

1 comment:

Madhavi said...

Oh that is sooooo cool! I love how excited she is about food. We are revving up, pre-exploring, so to speak. I love the journey that you guys are on and how much you all enjoy it, esp Uma.