Tuesday, August 24, 2010

My First Owee

I got my first real owee last night. I was standing up gnawing on one of my puzzles and sat down. The wood hit me in the mouth. It Hurt! My mama held me and told me I had hurt myself and that these things sometimes happen and that I am a strong girl and everything will be ok. She got a piece of ice in a wet washcloth for me to bite on a little, though that both felt good and hurt. She let me bite the ice and then nurse a bit when I needed some comfort and then more ice and more comfort. Mostly, I was scared because it hurt so bad so quickly right after I was having such a good time. All is well, though. There was no cut in my mouth or anything and there was very little bleeding. Nursing helped a lot, and my mama's milk is wonderfully antibacterial and whatnot -- probably the best thing for me. I woke up with a little soreness, but I barely noticed. We'll see how it affects my play today when I try to put everything in my mouth.

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