Thursday, December 31, 2009


It has been a rough day. Ever since yesterday evening, I have had a hard time sleeping. I didn't nap well at all today and slept seven and a half last night but then only two and two. When I go to sleep, I can't stay asleep. What could this disturbance be? Is it my tummy? It is extra rumbly. What is causing that? Although I have been crying more and taking in more air that way. There have also been many people over. Or my mama had way to many sugar cookies when she hasn't had sugar for the most part? The timing of the cookies does match, but who really knows what it is. It's all speculation because even I don't know really. All I know is that I'm tired, and my mama and daddy so want me to sleep so I can grow and be smiley again. Though I am ridiculously cute even when I'm crying, I know I'm breaking their hearts with my suffering. Is there no help or understanding?

On the other hand, I have been learning to soothe myself by sucking on my hand. Doesn't do much, but is kinda distracting and a bit comforting. Getting my thumb out hasn't happened much, but the knuckle does just fine for me.

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