Saturday, October 23, 2010


The other day, I was playing and playing until bedtime came. I was with my E-ma and daddy when I had just had enough awake time. I told them by signing "sleep" that I was tired and ready for bed. My mama came, and I nursed and fell asleep in 5 minutes. The door creaked and I woke up, but after a focused nurse session I fell back asleep in about 10 minutes. The next day, I signed sleep for a nap to my mama. She likes this idea of me telling her I am ready for sleep. Sometimes, though, I am just too sleepy to say.

1 comment:

Madhavi said...

Oh that is NICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hope that happens for us. And guess what? Anjali must have seen Uma and figured out how to go up because she went up an entire flight of stairs.