Sunday, October 17, 2010


I am ready to start talking and communicating using language my parents understand. Today I was in the potty with my mama when I pointed to the bath and said "Thath!" My mama said "bath?" and I shook my finger-pointing arm animatedly to show her I did mean bath. Then later after I finished the frozen apple she had given me to help my teeth I started fussing. Mama asked if I wanted more apple. I fussed a bit more and said "Mmm-A! Mmm-A!" She said "want to come to mama," and I cried. So, she said "do you want milk?" and she signed milk and I distinctly signed milk. I am getting to be such a big girl. My mama said she was thankful that she has been reveling in pre-language me because I am going to be talking soon and all these cute little sounds will be no longer.

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