Friday, April 16, 2010

My Teeth

The other day I had a slight fever, though it didn't totally dampen my spirits. I have had a hard day today, however. I cried all day when I was away from my mama. My teeth are hurting badly. My daddy got more of the homeopathic liquid for teething relief. My mama was giving it to me every night before bed. They didn't know, but it was really helping make the pain manageable. They ran out day before last. The last two days have been hard. When my mama got home today, we took some pictures with my Zofta before she leaves to go back to Canada tomorrow. Then my mama took me upstairs and put me to bed. She gave me that stuff, I nursed and went right to sleep. Woke up less than an hour later, got some more teething stuff, nursed and went right to sleep. Repeat one more time. I am finally getting some relief so I am catching up on the zzzz's I missed while screaming all day. I'm sorry, daddy, for screaming all day. Thanks for taking care of me and making me feel safe and loved.

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