Sunday, March 14, 2010

Messed Up Mama

My mama is all kinds of messed up. She thought I was 11 pounds and a couple of ounces the first time she went to the Glenside Breastfeeding Resource Center. Really I was Almost 12 pounds. My mama went back about a week and a half later to get some more info. Turns out everything really is going well. She does not have oversupply and can nurse naturally and easily without having to worry about foremilk/hindmilk imbalance. I am a normal, distracted four month old which is why I stop eating sometimes and wake up more at night (although last night mama stuffed me with food all day and I rewarded her with 6.5 hours of straight sleep). Most importantly, I have doubled my birth weight in four and a half months when the average is five to six months. Yay me! I may be little, but I am doing great!

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