Thursday, January 27, 2011

New Developments

I continue to grow and change rapidly, in fits and starts, overnight...too fast for my mama's tendency towards nostalgia.
1. I am learning to talk by saying words I want to say or by mimicking the words, cadence and/or tone of what was said to me.
2. I learned the word and sign for snow in a few hours. I learned from the falling flakes in the morning that coated things in a few inches, but I think today' 15 inches outside will seal the deal!
3. Yes, I am learning a fourth language. I said my first tabla bol/rhythm day before yesterday -- ta-ki ta-ki-ta! I woke up drumming the rhythm on my chest while giving my mama the biggest smile.
4. I added a new eating skill. I can now dip into sauces and use homemade scoopers!

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