Friday, September 3, 2010

10 Months Old Today!

Can you believe it?! I can do a lot, now that I'm a big girl. Here's a list of things I like to do:

1. Open and close a book. This quiets me down with fascination even when I am fussing loudly.
2. Climb, climb and climb. I will climb anything my parents will let me.
3. Stand up holding on to things. I like trying out different things--big, little, heavy, light.
4. Banging on things or banging things together.
5. Eat. I generally eat when my parents eat, three meals a day. Sometimes, though, that doesn't work out.
6. Stand up and sit down. Repeat, repeat, repeat.
7. Get down from and up on the bed.
8. Hanging out with people.
9. Singing and dancing and drumming.
10. Go for a walk.
11. Play with the beach ball.
12. Go through the tunnel.
13. Explore everything.
14. Do everything myself!

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