This was me on Friday in my first Halloween costume -- a pumpkin! Who knew that I would be ready to make my grand entrance only days later?
Due to the full moon on Monday, I felt like I should come a few weeks early. My mama started having contractions on Sunday morning, an they continued all day Monday as I was getting into position. By 3:15 am things were really getting warmed up; by 4:15 I was on my way for real so my daddy called Meredith. My daddy was there with complete support and a strong, encouraging presence. By 5 am I also had Meredith, Janelle and Randy there to help me and my family. It only took my mama a few hours before she was ready to push me into this world. I was born at 7:14 am on November 3 in the birth pool in my parents' bedroom. Meredith handed me to Janelle who gave me to my mama. I got to spend a good long time on my mama's belly and was quickly ready to nurse. My daddy cut my cord with just one cut! I got a little upset about having to be weighed and measured--I was six pounds and eighteeen and a half inches--but Meredith was gentle and gave me lots of love. Soon my family and I spent our first hours together in bed -- gazing at each other, being close, feeling lots of love. I was exhausted after my journey and slept with my new family for six hours! All in all, I had a wonderful birth and am now adjusting to my new life outside the womb.
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